ĥ provides interactive military training tools and resources. 550 Cord | Land Nav Training Software, Body Fat Calculator.It's rated for 550 pounds, and I only weigh 170! Parachute Cord is Simply Not Strong Enough to be Trusted With Your Life.

There are several compelling reasons you should not use parachute cord as your rappel line.

Instead, get a proper rappelling or climbing rope. Can You Rappel with 550 paracord?īut is rappelling with paracord safe? No. This cord is now used as a general purpose utility cord. Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. When you need the fire tinder simply remove the inner strands, light just like any fire tinder and build your fire. Is 550 cord waterproof?ĥ50 FireCord is also WATERPROOF! Simply deploy your 550 FireCord to meet all of your parachute cord needs. It was developed by the military and originally used for parachute suspension lines. 550 paracord (also know as 550 cord or parachute cord) is a strong, thin, lightweight rope, usually made of nylon.